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Stay tuned for D-Day: National Campaign against Polio and Multivaccination

Vaccination in basic health units until September 9, protect your child!


Poliomyelitis, also known as infantile paralysis, is an acute infectious disease caused by the resident virus of the intestine, called Poliovirus. Although it occurs more frequently in children under four years of age, it also affects adults. Its transmission occurs through objects, water and food contaminated by feces infected with poliovirus, but it can also be from contaminated saliva droplets.

Most people infected with the polio virus are asymptomatic, but some have symptoms that resemble the common cold. However, this virus can attack the cells of the nervous system and can cause irreversible paralysis in the limbs such as the legs and arms. More seriously, it can affect the muscles that help with breathing, causing respiratory arrest and death.

Vaccination is the only way to prevent Poliomyelitis. In Brazil, the strategy adopted to eliminate the virus is mass vaccination with the oral polio vaccine (OPV). All children under five years of age must be vaccinated according to the routine vaccination schedule and during the annual national campaign. This vaccine induces immunity and promotes the spread of circulating poliovirus within a short period of time.

Thanks to vaccination campaigns, polio has been eradicated in the country for more than 30 years, but vaccination coverage has been falling in recent years, generating immense concern. Last year (2021) the vaccination coverage reached approximately 65% only, while the goal of the Ministry of Health, to keep us free of polio, should be at least 95% of the eligible population vaccinated. This low vaccination rate is very alarming and puts our entire population at great risk, as there are African and Asian countries where poliovirus is circulating, and cases may be imported.

In this scenario, until September 9, the Ministry of Health is coordinating the D day of national mobilization of the Poliomyelitis and Multivaccination campaigns. The objective of this campaign is to reduce the risk of reintroduction of diseases already eradicated in the country, such as polio, and to generate efforts to update the vaccination schedule of children and adolescents.

For the campaign against polio, the target group is children under five years old. Three vaccine doses of the injectable vaccine - VIP (Inactivated Poliomyelitis Vaccine) are recommended starting at 2 months of age, with two more vaccination boosters until the age of five. Children between 1 and 4 years of age should be vaccinated indiscriminately with Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV), as long as they have already received the three doses of Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) of the basic scheme.

For multi-vaccination, the target audience are children and adolescents under 15 years of age who have not been vaccinated or have incomplete vaccination schedules, where the following vaccines will be available: HPV, dT (double adult), yellow fever, triple viral, hepatitis B, dTpa and Meningococcal ACWY (conjugate). All these immunizers are part of the National Immunization Program (PNI) and are distributed in the private network and by SUS.

To help fight polio and other diseases, look for the nearest basic health unit and update your vaccination booklet!

ImunoTera believes that vaccination saves lives and supports this campaign!


Lais Teixeira - Guest Author of ImunoTera

ACRITICA.COM. Falling vaccination coverage threatens the return of already eradicated diseases. Apr 25, 2022. Available at: Acesso em: 10 maio 2022.

SANTOS, T. Poliomyelitis: is polio coming back? In vivo. Apr 25, 2022. Available at: Acesso em: 10 maio 2022.

National Campaign for Vaccination against Poliomyelitis and Multivaccination begins this Monday (8) throughout Brazil. August 08, 2022. Available at:

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